Friday, January 22, 2021

Take a look at what room 5 is up to. 

We are making 3-D hot chocolate in art - Brooklynn

We are finishing our learning on rocks and minerals - Emily

We are learning how to multiply in math - Anais

Ask me about what a streak test is - Dunia

We have student teacher with us for the next 3 months, her name is Ms. Bello - Jayda

We welcomed Ms. Bello into our classroom this week, she is a student teacher from Mount Royal in her final practicum - Sedra

We are bringing home our zentangles today - Shivya

We are reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory for our read aloud - Abdulhak

We learned that there are 5 criteria to classify a mineral, ask me what they are - Shadi

In science we are learning about the hardness test for rocks - Anais

Ms. Bello taught us how to play 3 new games in gym - Sedra

We are writing about all that we know about rocks and minerals - Saja

Remember to dress for the weather as the forecast says it's getting colder - Ms. C

Friday, January 15, 2021

It has been a great start to the new year! 

Take a look at what room 5 has been up to:

- We are in our last chapter of  A Boy Called Bat - Anais

- We have been creating a lap book about rocks and minerals in science - Sedra

- We practice reading using Epic - Brooklynn

- We started multiplication in math - Milad

- Our new read-aloud book is Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - Zaiden

- In guided reading we read to partner, read to self, listen to reading, play boggle for word work and make a story for work on writing from a picture prompt - Raghd and Sedra

- We created a Zentangle with Ms. Murphy - Raghd

- We are starting an in class art project, creating hot chocolate - Shivya

- We use Kanapy from the Calgary Public Library to listen to reading, it is free with your library card

-Ms. C

- We welcomed two new friends to our classroom this week - Emily

- I have challenged Room 5 to a proper plank for 30 seconds by the end of February - Ms. C

- We have been playing octopus tag in gym - Yazen

- The students have been coming back to the classroom from gym, rosy cheeked, sweating and thirsty from all their hard work - Ms. C

- We are welcoming Ms. Bello to our classroom on Monday - She is a student teacher in her 4th year education student at Mount Royal University - Ms. C

 Dear grade 3 families,  Take a look at what we have been up to.  - We have been performing our songs in music class with Ms. Murphy - Brook...